Saturday, May 5, 2007

Designer Running Shirts

Konrad Lorenz (1973)

The increase in the number of individuals united in a single cultural group, together with the improvement of technical means of persuasion of public opinion, leads to a uniformity of ideas which had never seen in any other period of history. In addition, the power of suggestion exercised by a doctrine regarded as completely true with the growing number of his followers, perhaps even in geometric proportion. Already, an individual who deliberately evades the action of the mass media, for example television, in many places is considered a pathological case. All those who want to manipulate the masses take kindly these reductive effects of personality. Opinion polls, the advertising technique ably oriented and fashion are the major industrial Western world and to officials from Iron Curtain to gain the same kind of power over the masses.
From "The eight deadly sins of our civilization," Adelphi Ed


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